Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Because HE is wearing a NICE suit!

“The mission of women today is of crucial importance. In some way, they have the key to sanity -- the first step toward a conversion. For super-nature is based on nature, and unless we go back to a natural soundness, the sublimity of the supernatural message will be lost to most of us. Why do they have the key? Because their influence on men is enormous when they truly understand their role and mission.” - Alice von Hildebrand

Like every other high school and college girl on the planet, I rushed to the movie theater at midnight on November 20th (which also happened to be my birthday) to watch a movie about a vampire, werewolf, and human love triangle. Now, I don’t have anything against Twilight, but I do have a bone to pick with Jacob Black. Why? Because every single time Taylor Lautner took his shirt off, all I could hear were sighs of disgusting, girlish amazement at his digitalized, completely unrealistic abs.

Ok, I’ll admit...I watched the Hannah Montana movie because I thought Lucas Till was an extremely good looking sample of the male species. But when I was sitting in Twilight, it hit me. You know how girls are always complaining about how they just HATE it when the guys talk about how “hot” a movie star is? Well, have we ever stepped back to look at the fact that maybe they feel the same way about us?

Sure, I like watching some movies and stuff just because there are some good looking guys in them, but honestly, when all you can talk about among your friends is who has the best bod, then it’s gone too far. Because we have an obligation to practice a certain type of respect towards each other, and when we bring guys (or girls) down to the level of eye candy we’re certainly not looking at their souls or their personalities.

We should be setting the example for what we want to see from the guys, because otherwise it just becomes a vicious circle of offending each other over and over again. And who wants that, right?

As much as I almost hate to admit it, I think my speech coach was actually right for once. You see, he made a rule that when we’re on a tournament, we’re not allowed to comment on the physical appearance of anyone. Of course, that didn’t stop us from creating codes for that (like “Oh doesn't he have a nice suit on?” or “He is a GREAT American!”), but somehow I can’t help thinking that Mr. G does have a point.

You see, we should always strive to have the utmost respect for our fellow humans, and it can get annoying when a guy is checking you out like you’re the choice meat of the day at Dan’s Supermarket. But it’s OUR attitudes and actions that will change THEIR attitudes and actions. What are YOU going to do about it?