Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You're crazy...you're crazy...but I love ya!

“When we find ourselves drawn towards other people, when we want to know more about them and make ourselves known to them, we are responding to God’s call - a call that is imprinted in our nature as beings created in the image and likeness of God, the God of communication and communion.”

- Pope Benedict XVI

Think about it. You roll out of bed in the morning, brush your teeth, and throw on the clothes that are closest to your reach (after you smell them to make sure they’re not too dirty). Now, if you’re like me, it’s too much effort to even THINK about whether or not you want to do something with your hair. I mean, really...who cares what you look like, right? Seriously, people should be glad that I even brush my teeth! Well, I certainly hope that you don’t do this EVERY morning, and I promise that I don’t...well at least not every single morning!

It does make you think about some pretty important stuff though, because modesty isn’t just about covering yourself up. It’s about communicating your values through the way that you dress, allowing others to see what you believe by their mere perception of you. So if you don’t put some time into how you look, it can actually detract from the beauty within, believe it or not. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to spend hours in front of the mirror making sure that your eyebrows are plucked perfectly, THAT'S vanity! But when you wake up and roll out of bed, you should ask yourself two questions as you get dressed and ready for the day:

1) Is the way I look today going to scream out to people that there is something different about me than everyone else?,


2) What do I want to communicate to the world today?

One of the most influential statements I’ve ever heard someone say to me is this: that as Christians, we’re not called to be a part of the world and “fit in”. On the contrary, we’re called to live radically different. RADICALLY different! It should be obvious to people in the way we dress, speak, walk, and act, what we believe and profess to be true. So go put on your sack cloth and ashes! Hurry up, what are you waiting for?! Alright, maybe everyone doesn’t need to be QUITE that radical. But did you know that the word “radical” actually means “thorough and complete”? Not "crazy, lunatic dive bomber"! Basically, the idea is that we need to immerse ourselves in a Christian modesty that is so complete and virtuous that we don’t even hesitate when it’s time to make a choice. Because as much as you try to communicate what you believe, it’s not gonna work until you start communicating in your dress, casual speech, and actions.

So, when you wake up tomorrow, what are you going to decide to tell people?

It’s your decision what you’re going to communicate, so make a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great post!
    I didn't know thats what the word 'radical' meant. HAHA! I'm guilty being vain and spending hours on my face and hair! Not everyday because I really don't have time anymore to care too much what I look like but, if I actually had time, I would be tempted to do that almost everyday! My conscience would quickly catch up to me, though.....lol!
