Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So say all the sappy love songs I've ever heard...

A woman's heart should be so deeply hidden in Christ that it takes a man seeking God to find it.” - Unknown

Up until, oh maybe five minutes ago, I had no plans to write on this subject anytime soon...and then I heard the new Michael Buble song, “Haven’t Met You Yet’, and I was inspired.

Why? Because what’s the reason that we practice the virtue of modesty? So that we can remain pure, but also so that we can help our brothers in Christ remain pure. And another amazing thing that we can do, something that comes hand in hand with modesty, is to pray for “our guys”...especially one specific guy, our future husbands.

Yah, yah, I know that sounds cheesy, but the power of prayer is so incredible! And you never know who or what might be just around the corner. I love the comfort of knowing that he’s out there somewhere, and that there is something that I can do for him, even though I have no idea who he is.

“I might have to wait,

I’ll never give up.

I guess it's half timin', and the other half's luck.

Wherever you are,

Whenever it's right,

You'll come outta nowhere and into my life!

And I know that we can be so amazin',

And baby, your love is gonna change me,

And now I can see every possibility.

Somehow I know that it’ll all turn out,

You'll make me work so we can work to work it out,

And I promise you kid, I'll give so much more than I get,

I just haven't met you yet!”

I certainly don’t want anything to happen to him, and I can only pray that he doesn’t make too many mistakes (or even better, none at all). There’s a comfort in knowing that Someone knows exactly where those prayers need to go, and that He’ll make sure they get to him.

I’ve heard of women who write letters to their future husbands, and men who write letters to their future wives. I can’t help but wonder sometimes how beautiful it must be to exchange those as you exchange your wedding vows. Not only that, but just knowing that there was someone out there who cared about you that much before they even met you? Wow! Seriously, tell me how that’s not absolutely crazily romantic and sexy?

Even though I know that nobody is perfect, I like to follow that up with the ridiculously cheesy line “there’s still someone who’s perfect for me”. Yet, I know that the most important thing is to keep my sights focused on the person who IS perfect...God. Like the quote from the beginning of this post, the best thing that any woman will ever do is to make God her number one. Because once that happens, the man who has to find her in Him will be well worth every moment of waiting. What could be better?

So, lose yourself in God, let Him be your guide, and He’ll bring you to where you need to be. And no matter what happens, you’ll always have the most amazing Man ever in your life!


  1. You worded this beautifully. At my age I see it to be very true but it is hard to trust in at your age. What I read in this post was all about trusting God's big picture. If we trust in the big picture then we need to act and dress like that now. So true and so well worded.

  2. This is a great post! I love that song too:)
    This past year I've started writing letters to my future husband and praying for him more regularly. I've also realized how much of a joy it is to know that by dressing modestly now I'm loving that one special guy that I'll stand at the alter with someday. Its so cool to get dressed in the morning and know that just by tucking in a tank top into my jeans I'm making a direct act of love for him. Its so amazing!!
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Wow. This is wonderful reinforcement for what I've been told, and what I'm trying to do! I LOVE that song too! It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who thinks like this! I've never heard of writing letters to my future husband. That is the most attractive thing I have ever heard of. I'm going to start writing to my future husband. Thank you so much for writing this!
