Monday, February 1, 2010

A desire for ROMANCE

“Ah, you are beautiful, my beloved. Ah, you are beautiful, your eyes are like doves. Ah, you are beautiful, my lover, yes, you are lovely.” - Songs 1:15-16

Imagine that you’re day is coming to an end. You’re cranky, annoyed, and just sick and tired of the redundancy of everyday life. Quietly, your lover comes from behind you, takes your hand, and walks you to the hill behind your house (or dorm, in my case). You watch the sun go down, in an array of splendid, vibrant color, then sit there quietly while you watch the stars come out to sparkle in the vast night sky.

Now, just TRY telling me you didn’t sigh and melt a little bit inside thinking about that! And guess what, it could happen to you every single day if you let it. You see, there is someone out there who tries to take your hand every night, and He wants to show you something more beautiful than just any ol’ bouquet of flowers, and He wants to give you something more intimate and personal than a candlelight dinner. So He created the sunset, and the moon, and the stars. He created fields of wildflowers, majestic waterfalls, sparkling bodies of water. And He created it all for you.

You see, His way of taking your breath away is so much better than anything a mere mortal could ever dream of. He shows you beauty, and you KNOW that it is a gift from Him, and that He is romancing you in a way that no one else will ever, could ever, com close to.

I want to let you in on a little secret, our God...the same God Who created you, the same God Who you hurt every time you reject Him, the same God Who is your Father, your Brother, your Servant, and your Master...He is also your Lover.

“You are made for such a love. Your heart yearns to be loved intimately, personally, and yes, romantically. You are created to be the object of desire and affection of one who is TOTALLY and COMPLETELY in love with you...and you are." (Captivating)

Did you get that? TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! He DESIRES to sweep you off your feet, to take your breath away, every single day! He caresses you in the breeze, gives you hugs through the warm rays of the sun. He sends you gentle kisses in every falling snowflake. He loves you in an intimately passionate way, and He wants you to love Him back just as eagerly.

Start falling in love with Love, and see how incredibly He treats you. He’ll treat you like you are His princess, His queen, you just have to open up your heart and let Him in. He’ll do the rest.


  1. This made me all nice and warm inside!! How awesome our God and Lover really is :)

  2. wow I really liked this Kristen... it says a lot! :)
